Edu4Talent – Our story, mission & vision
Aims & Objectives
Dzikwa Trust’s core business is ensuring Basic Education for 400 orphans and other vulnerable children in Dzivarasekwa. It has limited resources to support students in Advanced level or pursuing higher education studies in vocational schools, colleges, or universities. Therefore, Dzikwa Trust Fund initiated Edu4Talent special project in 2020 to enhance its assistance to the most talented vulnerable students in their further education after finishing high school. Dzikwa Trust has a proven track record with its students and they come out of high school with flying colours. Over the years, almost 120 students have acquired higher education qualifications, and half of these are university degrees.
Dzikwa Trust’s core business is ensuring Basic Education for 400 orphans and other vulnerable children in Dzivarasekwa. It has limited resources to support students in Advanced level or pursuing higher education studies in vocational schools, colleges, or universities. Therefore, Dzikwa Trust Fund initiated Edu4Talent special project in 2020 to enhance its assistance to the most talented vulnerable students in their further education after finishing high school. Dzikwa Trust has a proven track record with its students and they come out of high school with flying colours. Over the years, almost 120 students have acquired higher education qualifications, and half of these are university degrees.
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Edu4Talent – Our story, mission & vision
Goals & Objectives
The long-term development goal of Edu4Talent is to create more
employment and entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe and in the region.
Edu4Talent concrete objectives are:
(1) to ensure that talented Dzivarasekwa youths understand the dynamics and requirements of future jobs markets,
(2) to assist students to choose their study paths realistically, for them to realise their full potential in life, and
(3) to match the talent with the needs of businesses interested in
business in Zimbabwe and in the region.
The Mission of Edu4Talent is to offer corporate sector a chance to
amplify their CSR programs with targeted scholarships to promising,
talented Zimbabwean students, to groom them to become
global actors with proper employability skills in their business, and to
secure future workforce.